President Message

Dear Everyone,

I extend my hearty good wishes to all members and associates. I have always admired the passion and commitment of our members towards building as a vibrant professional body and wondered what drives them to do this noble work for society, many a times at the cost of their personal comforts and priorities. The pleasure of working for societal transformation through use of science and technology is no doubt a source of motivation. Our visionary founders realized early the potential of in transforming the life of citizens and in making the globe a better place to live in, and set up a long term mission and sound objectives for society which continue to motivate our members. There is no dearth of committed individual in our country, who is passionate about working for societal and professional improvements. It is a welcome development that government is inviting successful entrepreneurs to take lead and leverage their experience of using for societal cause in helping the government in bringing in far-reaching improvements in the life of citizens and solving national problems through use of society.

Good political support and entrusting the leadership for these changes in the hands of successful entrepreneurs and thought leaders has the power to help bottom of Pyramid in areas of Literacy ,Health, Education, Research, Employment, Productivity, Micro-finance etc. Society will have good opportunity to participate and take active part in these kinds of initiatives being led by IT and concern Entrepreneurs. I am sure, our good contact with seniors and with government officials and ministers both state and Central Government will start offering new opportunities. Collaboration, networking with entrepreneurs and development partnership with leading education institutions shall be

Association with Institutions and Experts:
Powerful ideas, association with committed and resourceful personalities are always a great source of growth the help to building strong committees. I request to all people to help our e-Governance Centre of excellence. Advantages of association with such senior academicians, industry people, Government officials in spearheading new activities. Our Special Interest Group platform can easily provide opportunity to such type of individuals to lead society technical activities. There shall be constant endeavor and search for inviting such seniors to help society.
Our plans of setting up few Centers of excellence may also attract many talented individuals to use society platform, where industry, educational institutions and government agencies work cohesively to develop new education and research services to industry and design industry focused education programs. I am hopeful that the new committees shall explore these possibilities actively.

Association with Corporate Bodies :
We invite membership of corporate bodies. Though, in most of our technical workshops, conferences, majority of participants are from corporate organizations, there seems to be less interest towards society membership. I will examine and try to suggest new schemes and services for this segment.

Association with Government Organizations:
Major IT Investment is happening in government and semi-government sector. There is a good scope for skill development, training and empowerment of staff with IT knowledge and systems. Our director education shall put additional efforts in studying such requirements and identify opportunities. We shall actively approach concerned departments in Government.

Association with Youngsters and Professionals:
World-wide professional societies are offering counseling, mentoring and helping professionals to argument their knowledge with new subjects of concern departments through certification programs and attending workshops. We need to further strengthen this iniative and develop a structure to take on these activities. A majority of working professionals have strong need of these empowerments. This may be enabled through partnership with quality education institutions, group of experts and academicians.

Collaboration  with International Bodies: 

As Per Our Honourable Prime Minister of India Shri. Narendar Modi announced for making in India, Prerna Society of Technical Education and Research have  Powerful ideas, association with committed and resourceful personalities are always a great source of growth the help to building strong committees. I request to all people to help our e-Governance Centre of excellence. Advantages of association with such senior academicians, industry people, Government officials in spearheading new activities. Our Special Interest Group platform can easily provide opportunity to such type of individuals to lead society technical activities. There shall be constant endeavour and search for inviting such seniors to help society.
Our plans of setting up few Centres of excellence may also attract many talented individuals to use society platform, where industry, educational institutions and government agencies work cohesively to develop new education and research services to industry and design industry focused education programs. I am hopeful that the new committees shall explore these possibilities actively. We invite the people from Corporate/ Institutions/NGO’s/Societies/Business Partner/ Entrepreneur /Investors/Donors/ individual social worker worldwide to come or associate with us for make in India and get benefits.

Focus on Research and Innovations :
Friends, along with adopting practice of good governance in services, there is great need to start new programs to promote research and development. History cites many examples where zeal of groups of individuals has brought desired change. Unless India develops a strong research ecosystem and telecom related fields, as per studies, sustainability may become a challenge. We shall take conscious decision to define road map of new activities on this front. We shall leverage our relationship with various academic institutions and provide a network and connect with industry.
Innovations and research in concern 32 departments can indeed integrate computing specialists, scientists in different disciplines and engineers by bringing them together on one platform. some research opportunities for prerna society, few of which I am mentioning below –

1. Be an enabler for the Indian research community to identify major research opportunities for the field and create avenues/platforms for community participation in the process for academia, industry, entrepreneurs, and business.
2. Conduct some surveys and share futuristic projections like-

01. What are the next big challenges in mentions 32 fields?
02. What are the considerations for inclusive growth of Public Health Wealth and Education?
03. What attracts the best and brightest minds of a new generation?
04. Provide regularly white papers on society areas in Government and Non Government Projects
05. Extend help to evaluate Engineering and Professional Education, Health, Architecture, Management, Anti-curruption and Education standards in India
06. Develop a mentor pool for students with educational institutions, professionals, innovators etc

There may be many good ideas and thoughts in promotion of research agenda under prerna society. Our research committee members shall deliberate and try to draw an action plan to implement such ideas. I request, our chapters and student branches to add in their activity list, promotion of research as an important agenda. Organizing R & D workshops shall be helpful. For long term benefits, we decided to publish through a professional agency. This may help us to reach new members and to use big network of through that agencies.
Our sincere thanks and welcome to new members to take up this responsibility.
I convey hearty congratulations to all newly members at National level and wish all round success to our future new committees and our desire vision and mission.
Friends, I started this journey of strengthening Prerna organization, and starting quite a few initiatives and services and teaming up with some of you. I am sure, considering benefits of these “Seminar, Workshop, Conferences, Building Technical Communities, Technical Meeting, Publishing,  Promoting Educational Activities, Developing Standards, Impact Factor & Indexing Services for Journals, Health and Safety Awareness, Child, Orphans, Women Welfare and  Peace of World.”

Kindly Join us be the part of Level first District/ State/ National / International volunteer  and Level sceond  School/ College/ University level coordinator. 

Wishing you and your family very happy, Prosperous and Healthy New Year 2025.

Dr (Prof.)  Arun Kumar 

(B.Tech(I.T), M.Tech(C.S.E.), PhD(A.I), MBA(HRM)), D.Lit.


Prerna Society of Technical Education and Research, New Delhi, India,